
The Lounge Bar & Restaurant in Otium Rooftop is a unique place, where you can indulge in the pleasure of taste, from morning to night, with outdoor tables or in the bright indoor rooms.

From innovative cocktails to cuisine, which combines great classics and creative dishes, starting from high quality raw materials, Otium always offers the perfect opportunity for conviviality. Whether it is a casual and light lunch, a snack, a gastronomic aperitif with tasty tapas or a dinner, the pleasure is for everyone.

The kitchen

Otium Rooftop’s kitchen is boundless in space and time.

Dall’aperitivo, al pranzo, fino alla cena, prepariamo con materie prime ricercate e di grande qualità, piatti classici della cucina mediterranea, specialità locali rivisitate, tapas internazionali.

All in the name of pleasure at the table, imagination and creative flair.

Otium is a space open to new ideas: our menus are updated monthly with new dishes, new recipes and new inspirations.


For lunch, Otium’s offer includes a small menu of selected dishes for business meetings or social breaks, a selection of international sandwiches and salads for those who like a quick stop.


The aperitif at Otium is dedicated to the wines of our cellar and the creative and spectacular drinks prepared by our bartenders, with valuable ingredients: fantasy to drink!

To accompany them, Otium offers a selection of tapas, gourmet focaccia and large platters. The perfect solution, combining taste and variety.


The pleasure of conviviality at Otium finds its fullest expression at dinner.

The menu offers a selection of great dishes, from appetizers to desserts, in which the taste and presentation are treated to the maximum and with passion.

lo chef di otium

The Chef

Otium’s cuisine is entrusted to Antonio Sinicropi, a young chef of Calabrian origins with experiences in several restaurants in Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna. Before arriving at the kitchens of Otium Rooftop, Sinicropi was chef of the historic Caffè Zucca in Turin and learned all the secrets of Italian pasta working at the Restaurant and Pastificio De Filippis in via Lagrange. The Mediterranean spirit, the Piedmontese culture and the cosmopolitan attitude make his cuisine a gastronomic journey of absolute pleasure.

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Otium si prende una piccola pausa.

Il rooftop resterà chiuso dall’ 1 al 15 gennaio compresi, riaprirà martedì 16 gennaio con i soliti orari.