Pool & Spa

The Spa of Otium Rooftop is open to all, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 to 19, by appointment. You can choose different routes, of different duration and with different costs:

2 hours 20€ | 4 hours 30€ | Full day 40€

The routes include: entrance to the cantilever swimming pool on Turin, 2 whirlpools, Turkish bath, Finnish sauna and relaxation chair.
The kit with bathrobe, towel and slippers can be rented for 7€, alternatively you can bring your own.


A dip between the sky, the Alps and the profile of the city all year round. Our open-air, cantilevered and panoramic swimming pool promises pleasure and relaxation every day, because it follows the cycle of the seasons and is cozy in winter and energizing in summer.


From the ancient Roman thermal culture to the Scandinavian lifestyle, the sauna is an instrument of well-being, pleasure and civilization: the heat gives health, helps the body to renew and, with the right cycle of reaction, promotes physical and mental regeneration.
Our sauna, bright and cozy thanks to a glass wall overlooking the green areas of Otium, is the ideal space to surround yourself with warmth, light and happiness.

Turkish bath

The steam ritual of our Turkish bath, an ancient pleasure with today’s technologies, is the perfect opportunity to combine relaxation, wellness and health, thanks to the healing power of water.


The most natural, sweet and all-encompassing massage in nature the one made by water. Otium offers two large outdoor hot tubs, surrounded by nature, in which to take care of body and mind.

Alkemy Spa

The Spa of Otium Rooftop is managed by Alkemy and is the space in which to regenerate body and mind, with treatments, to be added to the Spa Path, such as: body decontracting massage, face massage, face and body treatments targeted at different objectives.

In the Spa, Alkemy uses its own line of products, created with natural and sustainable ingredients for people and the environment, which can be purchased directly at the Spa after the treatments.

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Otium si prende una piccola pausa.

Il rooftop resterà chiuso dall’ 1 al 15 gennaio compresi, riaprirà martedì 16 gennaio con i soliti orari.