
Who We Are

Otium Rooftop is a unique place. It is a Lounge Bar, open from morning to late night, where you can enjoy and participate or organize exciting events..

It is a location that contains multitudes, with a large panoramic area surrounded by nature, for the well-being of body and mind, with a SPA, the first cantilevered swimming pool in Turin, whirlpools, sauna and Turkish bath.

The main feature of creative activities is that they are similar to play and learning, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate these three dimensions of our active life which, previously, had been clearly and artificially separated from each other.
When work, study and play coincide, we are in the presence of that exciting synthesis that I call "CREATIVE LEISURE"



In an increasingly hectic era, idling is revolutionary. Otium is a place to relax, have fun with sweetness and recharge your body and mind, aware that freeing your head from thoughts is the best way to fill it with new ideas.

Every space of Otium Rooftop, from the SPA area to the warm swimming pool in winter and cool in summer, to the Lounge Bar that offers quality dishes and drinks, is at the service of leisure, pleasure, conviviality and beauty.


Il Centro Porsche Torino è partner di Otium Rooftop, condividendone i valori fondanti e quelli che tutt’ora ne animano la mission.

Otium Rooftop è l’etica green che da filosofia diventa pratica, trasformandosi in un luogo e in un concetto, attraverso la stessa rivoluzione rappresentata dai modelli elettrici e ibridi della gamma Porsche, nei quali la filosofia green sposa il DNA Porsche facendosi motore.

La guida sportiva Porsche è un’iniezione di adrenalina capace di riconnetterti con le tue passioni, anche in elettrico.

Il Centro Porsche Torino è lieto di darti il benvenuto da Otium Rooftop.
Scrivi a marketing@erre-esse.com per scoprire i dettagli delle proposte attive per i clienti Otium.

Sustainable lifestyle

Logo Green Pea

Green Pea is the first place dedicated to sustainable lifestyle and aims to make sustainability easier and more accessible to everyone, as a concept, a lifestyle and an approach to consumption.

Spread over 15,000 sqm, 4 floors and a rooftop, it aims to be a space where everyone has the opportunity to find something that suits them: from wearing and personal care to living and working, from eating to leisure.

Green Pea is sustainable lifestyle.

Green Pea Awards

AZ Awards 2021

Category “Environmental Leadership”

World Retail Awards 2021 shortlist

Shortlisted in 2 categories: «Best Retail Innovation
Award», «Building a Sustainable Future Award»

Special Prize Caoduro Lucernari 2022

International Prize, Dedalo Minosse for Commissioning a Building

Innova Retail Award 2021 – The Plan Award 2021 – Prix de Versailles 2021 – Ebeltoft Retail Innovation Award 2021

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Otium si prende una piccola pausa.

Il rooftop resterà chiuso dall’ 1 al 15 gennaio compresi, riaprirà martedì 16 gennaio con i soliti orari.